About Us

You have read about some of our expertise. Combined we have over 70 years of experience with and designing general aviation aircraft up to military and airline aircraft. We work to be your advocate and work to keep prices reasonable. We want more planes flying. We love when our customers want to help and learn about their aircraft. The regs allow you to work on your plane to a point by yourself, but allows you to work with oversight on a lot more. Owners learn a lot about their aircraft when they help. How do you know you're too lean and burning a valve or too rich and fowling plugs? Are you familiar with emergency gear down procedures? Is there a fuel dump? All of these have been what our owners have learned by helping with their annual inspection plus getting the job done quicker and saving hourly rate charges after the inspection fee.

We love to teach. So if you want to learn or work to learn contact us to discuss how we can help. We are life long learners and promote this culture at Splash Aero.

So why Splash Aero? We are lovers of amphibious aircraft and specialize in their maintenance. We also own the TwinBee certification a twin engine 5 seat flying boat made from the single engine RC-3 SeaBee. We also own www.simuflight.net a PMA operation to support SeaBees. We have several STCs and nonSTC parts for enhancing your SeaBee. So we adopted the name Splash Aero. If you go to a Splash Down and need some work before the next splash down, give us a call and schedule your appointment.

We also travel! Yes we can come to you. We try to stay local to metro Atlanta but will go where the work needs to be done and bring our expertise to you. So call 678-520-7337 and talk to Eric and get on the schedule!

COPYRIGHT Splash Aero 2020-2024
678-520-7337: Eric     678-230-7953: Don
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