Quality Maintenance and Parts
Magneto rebuild
Splash Aero is a maintenance shop and owns PMA operation Simuflight. We operate out of Pickens County KJZP and Air Acres 5GA4. So we not only inspect and maintain your plane we can also manufacture certain parts. We do annual inspections on Fridays, twins and retractable gear aircraft start on Thursdays. Call 678-520-7337 today and schedule your inspection. Maybe you can't fly it to 5GA4 or KJZP, no problem we do Mobile! There is a travel fee for each way, but we can come to you! Call Eric at 678-520-7337 and get on the schedule.

Who we are

Don Dewey is an IA and heads up our inspections. He has over 35 years of IA experience from helicopters to airliners Don has seen it all.
Eric Broadwell is our chief engineer (GA Tech Aerospace) with over 35 years in design and refurbishment projects. He has been bucking rivets since he was 6 yrs old and designed parts in many military aircraft. Eric also refurbishes aircraft, such as Maule, Stinson (good franklin experience), Cessna, Navion, Piper cub, pacer and colt coupled with Gulfstream and Grumman experience. Both Don and Eric have SeaBee experience and own the TwinBee certificate.

Learn More
Seabee Inspection and Engine work

What we do

We focus! Need some engine work or sheet metal work? We are your solution. We are easy to work with and love when owners want to assist. We work efficiently and use teams to finish your airplane quickly, but not at the sacrifice of thoroughness. Call now and get on the schedule for your inspection. 678-520-7337

Grumman Inspection and Wing work
COPYRIGHT Splash Aero 2020-2024
678-520-7337: Eric     678-230-7953: Don
Privacy Policy